I read a booklet by a Jewish believer in Yeshua, Zola Levitt, soon after I was saved to know God, too.  It was one of the books given me by the Messianic pastor who baptized my wife and me.  The name of the booklet is The Seven Feasts of Israel, published in 1979.  In that booklet, Zola gave a fascinating correlation between the embryonic and fetal development stages within a pregnant woman, and the birth of Jesus.  Not only a correlation between the new child-in-progress to the birth and life of the Lord, but also to their alignment with the set times of YHVH which He gave to Israel to remember and to worship God!

I remember that in the booklet, the conception — based on what follows — would have been around March 25 (around the Spring equinox, and nine solar months till birth) on our current calendars, which places it around the time between Purim and Passover on the Jewish calendar.  Every thing about Yeshua fulfills Truth!  Even if we should misinterpret or draw erroneous conclusions at times, the Holy Spirit is always faithful to see to it that GOD’s perfect knowledge and understanding is brought to pass.  Hallelu-Yah!

In remembering this booklet recently, but not knowing where I might have it at home, I found a good summary of the highlights when I searched on the internet, and came upon this site:  http://www.prophecyfulfillment.com/en028a.html

Here is the summary as given by the author of that site:

Israel‘s Feast of Passover:  Passover occurred on the fourteenth day of the first month of the Jewish calendar. Passover signified the salvation of Israelites from bondage and the beginning of a new life in the Promised Land.
Jesus’ ministry (New Life):  Jesus was sent to be the blood sacrifice for all mankind. Anyone who accepts Jesus as Savior has a new life in Heaven.
Baby’s development (ovulation):  Ovulation— the release of an ovum (egg) from the ovary— occurs on the fourteenth day of the month and begins the pregnancy, a new life for the baby.

Israel‘s Feast of Unleavened Bread:  This feast occurred one day following Passover.
Jesus’ ministry (the Seed):  The seed of any plant must be planted in the ground before it can sprout, become a new creation, and bear fruit. Jesus was buried in a tomb to arise and lead His followers to bear fruit.
Baby’s development (fertilization):  The ovum (egg) is fertilized by the man’s spermatozoon (“seed”) within one day of ovulation.

Israel‘s Feast of First Fruits:  This feast occurred on the Sunday following Passover, or two to six days following Passover. A sheaf of the first harvested grain was waved before God as a statement of faith that Jehovah-jireh would see and provide for the needs of His people and in thanksgiving for God’s goodness.
Jesus’ ministry (resurrection):  Jesus, our Bread of Life, rose from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion. The “planted Seed” arose to become the first of God’s harvest under the New Covenant.
Baby’s development (implantation):  The fertilized ovum (egg) travels two to six days in the fallopian tube, before implanting in the endometrium (the womb’s lining).

Israel‘s Feast of Weeks (Shavuot, Pentecost):  This feast occurred fifty days after First Fruits. New grain was offered to God in thanksgiving for the grain harvest.
Jesus’ ministry (harvest):  The Christian Church, the Body of Christ, was founded on this day. The ministry of the Church was and is to harvest souls for God’s Kingdom.
Baby’s development (new creature, fetus):  As the fertilized ovum divides and grows in the shelter of the mother’s womb, it becomes recognizable as a fetus with human characteristics at approximately fifty days (~8 weeks) of gestation. From this time, the developing baby becomes even more human in appearance.

Israel‘s Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah):  This day occurred on the first day of the seventh month. Trumpet blasts acknowledged God’s presence in the land, announced the beginning of the High Holy Days, and signaled God’s finality for the harvest.
Jesus’ ministry (rapture/ resurrection):  Jesus will return in the clouds to call the saints (His followers) to Him for eternity. This blessed event will be accompanied by the blast of God’s trumpet and the shouted command to come up to Jesus.
Baby’s development (hearing):  At approximately the seventh month of gestation, the baby’s hearing is developed, and he or she could hear the sounds of Jesus’ appearing.

Israel‘s Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur):  This day, the most important day for devout Jews, occurred on the tenth day of the seventh month. This day was set aside to atone for sins. People sought forgiveness of sin through sacrifice of goats. The sacrifices symbolized God’s promise to forgive and forget sins, if there is confession and repentance.
Jesus’ ministry (redemption):  Zion (Israel) will be saved during the Tribulation, as Jews come to accept Jesus as their Messiah. Redemption for any Gentile or Jew must come through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. Like the goat for Azazel, used in this day’s sacrifice, Jesus became our Scapegoat, taking upon Himself our sins and dying for them.
Baby’s development (blood— hemoglobin A):  Oxygen is carried throughout the body by the iron-containing protein, hemoglobin, found in red blood cells. The baby’s hemoglobin, hemoglobin F, begins changing to adult hemoglobin, hemoglobin A, in the seventh month of gestation. This change in hemoglobin better adapts the baby to live in the outside world, breathing atmospheric air, rather than living in the womb, having his/her mother do the breathing.

Israel‘s Feast of Tabernacles (Booths, Sukkot):  This feast occurred on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. This joyous feast celebrated the days that God lived with the Jews in the wilderness, when they lived in temporary accommodations (booths) and worshiped in a portable tabernacle.
Jesus’ ministry (Kingdom):  Immediately after Jesus’ Second Coming, He will dwell with His people for one-thousand years (the Millennial Kingdom).
Baby’s development (lungs):  The unborn baby’s lungs begin to mature enough to support life outside the mother’s body during the seventh month. “Spirit” and “breath” come from the same word, whether in Old Testament Hebrew (ruach) or New Testament Greek (pneuma). God blew His breath/ spirit into Adam, which has been transferred to every generation since Adam. The birth of the Christian Church was accompanied by the sound of a rushing wind, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

Israel‘s Feast of Hanukkah (Dedication, Lights, Chanukah):  This feast was held ten lunar cycles (280 days) into the Jewish calendar. After the defeat of Antiochus, this festival symbolized victory for and a new birth of Israel. The eight candles may represent “the eighth day of creation” (eternity), and these candles are lit by the Shamash (the servant candle), as Jesus came as the Suffering Servant to be the Light of the world.  Yeshua, as all other human beings born of woman, left the warm, dark, mercifully protective environment of the mother’s womb, and came out into the cold harshness and light of the world.
Jesus’ ministry (eternity):  After Jesus’ rule in the Millennial Kingdom, New Jerusalem (Heaven) will descend to Earth. We will live eternally with our Savior in this place of unimaginable beauty and peace.
Baby’s development (birth, the beginning of eternal life):  The baby is delivered (born) after approximately 280 days of gestation. The baby is now an eternal person, because he/she possesses an eternal soul, which is a remnant of God’s breath (spirit) first breathed into Adam’s nostrils. The baby will live eternally, whether in victory in Heaven or shameful defeat in Hell.

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Here is a YouTube presentation depicting the embryonic and fetal development of a human being:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGSqS9K_sKY


  1. Claiming Hanukkah is 280 days from the start of the Hebrew year is the part that’s most obviously misleading here. It’s 8 days that start on the 25th of the 9th Months, so the 270th days happens during Hanukkah. The 280th day of the year is the 10th day of the 10th Month, which is one of the four major Fasts, Zechariah 8 foretells all the Fast days becoming Joyous Celebrations.


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