

We all hear and know that those younger than many of us reading this post are struggling with identity as believers in Yeshua, some of that struggle being caused by an unwillingness to accept being called by certain names; other causes because of not understanding the new birth as a new creation, and that we are in Messiah/Christ, putting to death the old man in Adam.

Most of us can not understand how those who profess to be Bible-believing Christians still do not understand the importance of Israel in YHVH God’s plan and purpose of redemption. We also know that the whole gender confusion and sexual perversion and LGBTQIA+++ agenda is rapidly making inroads into the thinking of our children and young adults — even within the Body of Messiah — growing up in an increasingly pagan and godless generation.  How is it then that we do not see that acceptance of evolution as if it gives an explanation of existence and life has had a direct impact upon all of this?!:  no true triune YHVH, the God who is Creator, Redeemer, and Judge; no Father and no Son and no HOLY Spirit; no redemptive plan; no purpose; no unique Earth-Sun system; no uniquely chosen people, land, city; no Messiah, Redeemer, and Savior; no gospel; no forgiveness; no hope; no Day of YHVH; no Millennial Kingdom; no Satan; no angels; no resurrection; no Heaven or Hell; no New Heavens and New Earth;  no Bible.  Try to imagine it.  ANY God except for YHVH! 

Why should we be surprised that so many people are falling away from the faith once delivered to the saints, or that there is so much ignorance and lack of the fear of God, even among Jews and Christians, to whom the Word of God has come?


“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.” (2Cor 10:3-6)


  1. The issue as I see it is not just teachings from outside the body but also within. The teaching of being Holy and Righteous is lacking. Yeshua spoke of this as did those who learned from Him. Yet today the teaching is more on grace and acceptance. Yeshua’s words on this were clear. If your eye causes you to sin pluck it out. If your hand causes you to sin cut it off.
    Yet within the body it’s ok Yeshua will forgive and overcome. He will meet you where you are and accept you. Did He accept the woman caught in sin in the temple? No He told her to go and sin no more. Not believe in me and continue to sin. In the body the image of Tammuz is shown rather than the Holy and Righteous Messiah. It is what Ezekiel wrote about when he was given a reed to measure the temple. It is what God confirmed in Rev 11 and Rev 6. The measure of unfaithfulness will be 3 times the measure of righteousness.
    The youth are searching for what they are missing. That is the Holy Spirit and restoration with God. Yet they dont see it in a minstrel clothed church. The hear the same message that the LBGQT community is preaching. Accept yourself live how you want. Where the Gospel says put that sinful person to death and be raised into a Holy and Righteous Messiah. Leave Adam dead and Live in Yeshua. Do not resurrect the person whom was killed. But resurrect into He who gave His life and was risen by YHWH.


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