REMEMBERING – 17 Sep 2001

  1. Creation of Universe and of Man (all the way to the Redeemed and New Creation)
    –Shabbat (Ex. 20: 8-11; Deut. 5:12-15)

2.  First sin of Man:  necessitating self-examination and self-judgment – confession, repentance, and prayer

3.  Substitutionary sacrifice of Ram as a sheep led to slaughter for Isaac (Yeshua for us) (Gen. 22)

4.  The Passover and Shavuot, that we were delivered from being slaves to being made free to serve and   worship the LORD in righteousness and holiness (Deut. 16:3, 12)

5.  From whence we have fallen and repent for leaving our first love (Rev. 2: 5)

6.  God’s great and precious promises (2 Pet. 1:4)

7.  To remind the LORD to make Jerusalema praise in the earth (Is. 62: 6-7)

8.  The LORD’s marvelous works, wonders, and judgment (1 Chron. 16:12)

9.  The Covenants of the LORD our God with us (1 Chron. 16:15)

10.  In wrath remember mercy (Hab. 3:2)

11.  The death and coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 11: 23-26; Rev. 22:20)

12.  –Remember the New Moon, the promise of Israel’s life from the dead! (Rom 11:15)


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