Lawsuit Update – 29 Sep 2009


Shalom, and thank God for Yeshua that our names are already written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

I want to update you on some good news regarding our lawsuit against the Beer Sheva Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yehuda Deri, and against the anti-great commission organization, Yad L’Achim with Rabbi Alex Atrovsky as their representative being the head of their Struggle Against the Mission section, scheduled to be completed in the Beer Sheva Magistrate’s Court in our civil suit on November 23, with a decision by Judge Iddo Ruzin by December 23, exactly four years from the [second] riotous event against our congregation, Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance).  The two defendants are the only ones remaining to testify in the court proceedings.

Judge Ruzin has approved us obtaining the recording as admissible evidence, even though our knowledge of its still existence came very late.  This is very good, and we pray still that the judge will actually listen to it!  It was the attitude and the tone of the rabbi in this interview that really had us consider from the Lord if we should take the matter to court this time, including his false statements and his disregard for the rule of law in their actions against people like us.

It is very important to continue to pray for our two lawyers, Marvin Kramer and Kevork Nalbandian.  They have to really be led by the Spirit of Messiah in their handling of the case in court, in order to prove and to convince the judge that the two defendants are in fact responsible — or irresponsible — for the illegal demonstration and other violations of law that day.  The defendants have to incriminate themselves in the courtroom before the judge!  At the same time, they/we must show respect for Rabbi Deri because he is a Chief Rabbi of a major city in Israel and also a regional Rabbinic Judge (Acts 23:5; Ex 22:28).Remember that our case is not only against private parties, but against religious authorities and spiritual strongholds, defining a whole society and culture.  And again, I want to emphasize that this case is not against Israel or against the Jewish people. It is not to be used in any way to foment or promote anti-Israel or anti-Jewish actions or reactions. It is already known through the Scriptures that Israel at present is opposed to the good news of God, so we are not out to make them an enemy. Nor is our legal action intended to be used by any other minority or religious groups in Israel to encourage or affirm anti-Israel/Jewish sentiment. For the sake of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, Israel and her people are beloved by God the Father for His honor and glory, and for the honor and glory of His Son.

A number of worship groups and intercessors have already indicated that they want to come down to Beer Sheva over the next couple of months leading up to the trial date, and perhaps even till the judge’s decision.  Groups from within Israel and from abroad, especially from Germany, are truly going to battle with us in a marvelous way.  Local believers and congregations around Israel are joining with us in words of encouragement from themselves and/or from the Word of God; with financial contributions; with prayers and intercession; with appearing in the courtroom in our two previous occasions in June.

We bless you from Beer Sheva, the City of the Fathers – of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.

Howard and Randi

Your and our prayers have been heard and answered regarding the audio recording of the radio interview with the rabbi on December 25, 2005, the day after the illegal demonstration!


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