First Fruits From The Dead – 1 Apr 2018


Today is no fools’ day except for those who deny the truth of Messiah being Jesus/Yeshua, and that He rose from the dead, as if there is no God capable of such power!  But our God is the Maker of Heaven and Earth!  This is the day that the LORD has made, so let us be glad and rejoice in it! Some of our friends went out early this morning in Beer Sheva to the Negev Brigade Monument (which can be seen from our home) to celebrate and remember this most momentous event which shook the Earth from Jerusalem close to 2000 years ago.  This is also a Biblical feast — an appointed time of YHVH — which He gave to Israel through Moses at Mt Sinai.  In Lev 23, it is called First Fruits, and is to be celebrated and remembered on the first day of the week after the Sabbath during the Passover week.  This year, the Passover fell on Friday evening, making this day the day after the Sabbath. I don’t know where, when, and why eggs and rabbits became a tradition of many Christians, but it is interesting that children hunt for eggs like Jewish children hunt for the afikoman on Passover night.  And Jewish seder plates have an egg on it.  Let us worship God in Spirit and truth, keeping what is good, and being careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

As you are all probably aware, the situation on the Gaza border here in the south of Israel is one of increasing tension and casualties.  We deplore the suffering and ruined lives of so many, and unless we realize the spiritual war going on in the heavenlies that is behind these conflicts, we would ourselves be in despair.  There is no true resolution except for God’s solution, and Jesus has paid the price for it!  His Passover death and resurrection is the Father’s peace plan, and no other will or can succeed.

Thank-you all for your prayers for the glory of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua the Messiah and of God our Father in all His covenant dealings with His people, and all others.


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