Viewing Beer Sheva from God’s perspective 

Gen. 21:31-33  — named Beer Sheva by Abraham, who planted a tamarisk tree and called there on the name of YHVH, the everlasting God

Gen. 21:12-20  —  Hagar and Ishmael encouraged and comforted and blessed in the wilderness of B-S, after being cast out of Abraham’s and Sarah’s house

Gen. 22:19  —  after offering up Isaac, Abraham and his seed were blessed by God, and Abraham with his son returned to and lived in B-S

Gen. 26:23-33  —  YHVH confirmed His covenant to Isaac in B-S,  who built an altar and dug a well.  Isaac’s servants found a well with water (“revival”) after the Philistines had filled in (“contention and quenching”) all the wells which Abraham had dug, and  the place was confirmed as Beer Sheva.

Gen. 28:10  —  Jacob also had lived in B-S

Gen. 46:1,5  —  on the way to Egypt with his sons and their families, Jacob (Israel) sacrificed to God in B.S. and received revelation, guidance, comfort, and hope

Josh 15:21,28; 19:1-2; Neh 11:25-30 — Beer Sheva originally given to Judah, but Simeon received it, but later was absorbed back into Judah

1Sam. 3:20  —  all Israel reckoned from Dan to Beer Sheva, the land’s major southern city in the northern Negev

1Sam. 8  —  Samuel’s sons were unjust judges in B-S, resulting in Israel asking for a king like the gentiles (other nations) had to rule over them

1Kings 19:3-8  —  Elijah ran for his life from Jezebel, and in his despair found rest, direction, comfort in B-S from the LORD, and rested under a white broom tree

Is. 35:1-6; 51:3  —  the desert will bloom and blossom as a rose and become as the Garden of the LORD, even as Eden

Beer Sheva was destroyed as a city in 701 B.C. by Sennacharib in the days of King Hezekiah. (2Kg 18:13)
After the return from Babylon, Beer Sheva was also re-settled. (Neh 11:27-30)
In l948 the city again became a Jewish Israeli city.

Beer Sheva 

–a place of divine revelation, comfort, direction, worship
–a place of praise (wells of living water), thanksgiving, gladness, life, sources
–seat of government representing all of the south ofIsrael:  intended to be a seat of righteousness and judgment (justice)
–judicial, administrative, commercial, and religious center

A Closer Examination of Amos 5:5; 8:14 : “The Way (Manner) of Beer Sheva”

–Amos preached and prophesied during time of divided kingdom –Judah and Israel– between c. 760-750 B.C.

–concerned with unrighteousness and injustice in the society, even while people practiced their religion without regard for the LORD’s love of lovingkindness (grace), righteousness, and justice

–a separation of “church and state” in the lives of the people, thereby severing the connection between faith, religion, worship, and daily life

1Kings 12:28-29  —  false worship instituted at Beth-El and Dan to draw people away from Jerusalem, as well as to exalt an alternative way and place to worship God

2Kings 23:8  —  Beer Sheva, with its wells from the Patriarchs, became a center for many to venerate some shrine (holy site) and to make pilgrimage there.  [see 2Chron 19:4; 34:6,7,37 for kingly initiative to restore true worship; also 2Chron. 24:1 (the mother of King Joash was from B-S)]

     –thus from Dan to B-S, the land and the people strayed from the one place and manner to worship and to offer sacrifices to the one true living God, and in doing so became less united as a people, and positive influences of the fear of the LORD within the society broke down.

     –“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem….” (Ps. 122:6)  From Jerusalem YHVH God has determined to place His Name, to blessIsrael (including B-S and theNegev) and the world.

     —Superstition:  vain (unsalted) faith (demon worship; pagan god worship; fear of demons)
–may be reverent, but without knowledge (ignorance)
–generally a practice of religion through slavish fear and of strong cultural or family traditions, not readily accepting the truth which sets one free and sanctifies.  (The Father is seeking worshippers in spirit and in truth).

     –Hardness of Judah (the southern kingdom and royal tribe) to the Word of God  (2Kings 22:13; Amos 2:4 —   B-S was located in Judah after Simeon’s tribal inheritance was absorbed by it.  [Neh 11:25-30]);  also true in Yeshua’s day (John 7:1; 11:7-8)


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