Isaiah 41:17-20 "A site of a thankful soul who has found living water to drink from the true God of Israel"

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The Way of This Life

Shavuot: What is it About?

Shavuot/Weeks is the fourth of the annual appointed times which YHVH God gave to Israel to celebrate and to remember His mighty works on behalf...

The Perpetual Scapegoat

YouTube:  Lev 16:5-10, 15-22; Is 53:10 – living scapegoat bearing all the iniquities,  transgressions, and sins of Israel; Israel being atoned for on the...

Dedication of Our Children To God

Before I became a true believer in God, I would consider the significance of the Jewish New Year, what we call Rosh HaShana (even...

Educating Our Children to Know God

Some of us have grown up in homes with both parents believers; some of us have grown up with only one parent being a...

Marriage Covenant

Is 54:4-8   “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you...

God Is Not A Pacifist

YouTube video:  Today is the 116th day of the war of Israel against Hamas in Gaza.  I had to do military training in the US...

Adam and Eve: Marriage

Mt 24:37-39  “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  For as in the...

Overcoming Antisemitism Through The Gospel

Presented at AmZI conference -- "Antisemitism Today" -- in Germany on 26 Sept 2023  Based on the Bible, living in Israel, and personal experience  I don’t...

Repent, and Believe the Good News!

Today (Sept 16, 2023) in the Jewish calendar is the first day of the seventh month, what the Jewish people call Rosh HaShanah, or,...

How Should We Live in View of The Hope?

Last week we heard about how we are to hear and believe the word of God, and to act according to it.  Do we...