Israel and her supporters will be disappointed with the results of the vote in the United Nations scheduled for September 20 regarding either a mere upgrade of Palestinian status at the UN, or else the recognition of an independent Palestinian state.  This vote is despite, and in spite of, all previous international agreements regarding rules of war and of guarantees for a sovereign Jewish nation.  It will mark a significant retreat of human support for Israel.

Should believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Lord, Messiah, Son of God, Savior be disappointed . . . or should the state of affairs be a wake-up call?  In Hebrew, the word for someone ‘waking up’ is the same word for ‘revival’:  revival is for those who are alive, but drowsy or sleeping.  Are we alert to the times in which we are living, or are we just as uncertain as those in whom the Spirit of God is not dwelling?

When Yeshua was asked to state plainly by what authority He was doing what He was, He asked those who should have known by then to answer Him first:  ‘The baptism of John, where was it from?  Was it from Heaven, or from men?’ (Mt 21:25) This is the question that needs to be answered also concerning Israel today.  The viewpoint one takes on this issue will obviously greatly affect how we relate to her.  Jesus would wish that we were hot or cold, and not sit on the fence. (Rev 3:14-15)  When Jesus was being crucified, the rulers and leaders of the nation mocked Him, saying, “. . .He trusted in God; let Him deliver him now, if He will have him; for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’”. . .  “The rest said, ‘Leave him alone; let us see if Elijah will come to save him!’” (Mt 27:41-49)

Israel claims to be the chosen people and nation of God, and many nations and peoples are watching and observing to see whether or not this is true.

God has given Israel as an example to the Church, and what happens towards Israel will also happen towards the Church:  first the natural; then the spiritual.  If people want to make Israel the scapegoat for all the world’s troubles, they will also make Christians scapegoats.  And they will be ‘justified’ by the false teaching that if only believers would pray and intercede more; engage in more effective spiritual warfare; take over the reigns of society, then the world would be a better place.  Yet it is clear that the world is becoming increasingly lawless, stressful, and nervous.

A ‘Pharoah spirit’ is rising.  One that does not know Yeshua or the Father.  And it is making life more arduous for those who fear YHVH and for those who know Him personally.  This anti-christ spirit attacks all who are called by the name of God – whether they be Jewish or Christian.  Judgments from God will come, and He will save and deliver His people.  YHVH cuts (makes) and keeps His covenants, and He is a Savior to those whose trust is whole-heartedly in Him.  Our hearts deceive us, and He gives us a new heart as a promise of the New Covenant in the blood of His Son, which we are to guard. (Jer 17:9-10; 31:33; Ezek 36:26; Mt 15:18-19)  According to God’s covenants, He will bless those who bless the seed of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, and He will curse him who makes light of them.  This also would apply to how Jewish people (the House of Jacob) consider especially Christian believers, who are also of the seed of Abraham through faith.

The UN vote on Sept. 20 will be used by God towards bringing Israel and the Jewish people to call upon Him, leading more to repentance towards God.  And further, to bring more Jewish people and others who are genuinely concerned for their well-being to the redemption through the Redeemer, the Lamb of God who died – was slaughtered – to confirm YHVH God’s promises to the fathers and to their descendants, and that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy. (Rom 15:8-9)

If Israel has broken God’s covenants, why should it be a wonder that the nations will break their human treaties and agreements concerning Israel?!

As the nations seem more and more willing to sacrifice one nation so that not all the nations should perish from religious and nationalistic terrorists, and from others ‘doing what is right in their own eyes’, Bible-believing Christians should show mercy, and stand with the beloved enemy Israel for Jesus’ sake, as a nation back in [part of] the land promised to be an everlasting possession from YHVH, whose land it is, as is the whole Earth. (Rom 11:25-36)


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