RIPE FOR HARVEST – 26 Jan 2012


(quoted from Arni Klein, Klein Fax, 20 Jan 2012)

Most of you will remember the court battle in Beer Sheva between the Messianic believers and the orthodox community.  In the natural,one might say it didn’t turn out well considering all the time, energy, resources, prayer, and heart that was sown during those days.  We generally expect victory to look a certain way.  As we perceived it,that battle was not really about right and wrong or our reputation.   Our hearts’ desire was that the souls imprisoned by a cultish religious structure would be freed.

Over recent months the darkness of the orthodox system has been front-page news.  The cover has been pulled back revealing their intolerance of any one different as being quite ugly and surprisingly violent.  Could it be that we are witnessing an unexpected face of victory?  Rather than this spirit being bound, it is being given more freedom so all might see it as it really is.  Many have long been at the edge of this community unable to take the step out to the freedom their heart longs for.

Beloved, this is a strategic time to focus our prayers on those that are hearing the Lord calling.  May this exposure be the push that gives those that really do love the truth the strength and conviction to make the break.


  1. In going into the trial, and during it, part of my prayers was that should there be a miscarriage of justice — which there surely was — then that this would bring to light the state of affairs as to the reality of the judicial, religious, and moral place we find ourselves in.

    I wanted Judge Ruzin to give a decent verdict so that God could continue to have mercy on Israel, rather than seeing it having reached a point of removing the restraint. We haven’t quite gotten there yet, but the verdict in May, 2010 — and the way it was covered up locally/nationally — kept Israel on a course heading for severe troubles from the Judge who stands at the door, who also happens to be Sovereign Lord over worldly affairs.

    There is growing religious revival all around the world, with the Middle East having the highest profile, perhaps. What we want to pray into is for this search for ‘meaning and purpose’ will lead seekers for true truth and righteousness and peace to be brought all the way till they are confronted with the reality of those good and noble things being found in Yeshua and the Father.


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