No day passes here in Israel without news about whether or not there will be an Israeli attack on Iran’s developing nuclear bomb facilities.  The United States continues its own diplomatic and political ‘wordfare’ on whether Israel could even succeed, and what the consequences of an Israeli initiative could bring to the world, and whether the U.S. would help Israel in the event of an outbreak of war.

While Iran is given freedom to voice its intentions to wipe Israel off the map; while Syria continues to massacre its own people; while Egypt continues to advance a strict Islamic agenda and to opportunistically encroach in re-establishing control over the Sinai peninsula, threatening the terms of the Camp David peace agreement with Israel; while Israel is acting and reacting for what it  believes is basic survival, stessed out internally on whether to go it alone, or not to out of fear of failure, or whether her prime benefactor will back her up, could the God of Israel be sovereignly overseeing all things to bring His own chosen people and the nations to fear Him and give Him glory?  What if Israel does not strike first, but retaliates to an attack by one or more of its adversaries?  There is Hizballah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, plus the others already mentioned.

There are prophecies going out that the war as described in Zechariah 12 will break out in December.  Although the winter is not the usual time to begin a war, it is possible that a war could break out then, but not the one described by Zechariah:  that war leads to the Day of Atonements and salvation of ‘all Israel’, when they see Yeshua/Jesus whom they pierced, and He gives them the spirit of grace and supplication to weep and mourn over their historical rejection and hatred of the One who is their very King and Savior.

Too much attention is being given by even evangelical Christians to the Mayan calendar, which has the end of the world coming at the beginning of this winter.  Believers in the truth of God, and who know His calendar, should have good news to tell those who do not know what is happening, whose religions leave them stranded.  If we ourselves are deceived, how can we point others to The Way?

A war as desribed in Psalm 83, where all the Muslim nations surrounding Israel come together to try to finish  her off, may be coming soon.  The fall  of Damascus, as described in Isaiah 17, may also be looming in the not-so-distant future.  It is interesting to note that in both of these events the people will fear YHVH, the Holy One of Israel, God Most High.  He will act in such a way that the god of the Muslims will be shown as unable to satisfy the deepest longings of those who are under his dominion.  These people are captive slaves, and Jesus has come to set them free!  The Jewish people will fear the LORD, when they once again see Him powerfully act on their behalf to save them from annihilation, beyond what they or anyone else expected.  From this, they, as in  days of old, could seek to appease Him who chose them for His own special people and inheritance.  In every revival that we read about in the Old Testament, the people found the book of the Law and realized that their God was not pleased with them, and they offered sacrifices to  Him.  Could the ‘holy place’ which Yeshua referred to in Matthew 24 be constructed as an outcome of such wars, as God acts on behalf of His holy name to make Himself known and to put some things in place for the fulfillment of His great plan of the ages, “that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven and which are on Earth” ?


  1. I am always deeply touched by Pastor Howard’s insight and understanding of God’s Word. It behooves all of us to have both a sound broad and a deep knowledge of God’s Word for the times, so that we can pray effectively and with authority. NOW is the time to do just that! Pray for great wisdom for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that He may be guided by God’s hand. Pray Proverbs 2:1-5 over him, that he may seek wisdom, understanding and discernment from the heart of God and that the Lord will impart these attributes to him at this most critical time.
    Much love to Nachalat Yeshua from your friends in Perth, Western Australia. Craig & Amanda Beech

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