God’s Pattern – 8 May 2016


The period between Passover and Shavuot/Pentecost is full of significant commemorative days here.  Last week was Holocaust Remembrance Day; this week we have Memorial Day and the Day of Independence (68th).  Of course, Ascension Day was remembered last week by those who remembered! By Messiah’s ascension to glory at the right hand of the Father, we who believe in the Lord can receive the Holy Spirit, who was given only after that event.  And Yeshua ever lives now to intercede for us.  Thank God!  All these events point to the truth that there is redemptive suffering before the joyful glory on the other side, even for the modern State of Israel.

I have written an article about the great and catastrophic day that was Israel’s declaration of independence on May 14, 1948, which you can read here:

And with that, a prayer for Israel’s salvation:

Much more of Israeli Jewish society today demonstrates a liberal tolerance of relativism regarding belief in God in general, and in Yeshua in particular.  Religious Jews are exploring and questioning their own faith (chozer b’she’elah), leaving the close-knit group that they were born into to seek answers that were not coming.  In general, as in much of the world, they are searching for truth but not necessarily believing that there is absolute Truth.  Very futile!  May God wonderfully surprise many who are searching for the truth with all their hearts!


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