Isaiah 41:17-20 "A site of a thankful soul who has found living water to drink from the true God of Israel"

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The Way of This Life

A Long War of Attrition

(This article first appeared in All Israel News on May 15, and has been slightly modified. )  Normally we would have been at our service this...

Suffering Before Glory

God's pattern is suffering before victory and glory.  Yeshua/Jesus tells us this plainly when He told the two disciples on the way to Emmaus...

Saul and Paul: Pride and Humility

1 Sam 8:1-9; 12:13  1 Sam 15:10-13 Eph 3:8 (Gen 32:10 ); 1Cor 15:9-11; 2Cor 12:11-13  Phlp 3:1-14 2Pt 3:14-18  This is a tale of two names:  Saul (Shaul...

Hebrews 7:1-10 — The Melchizedek Priesthood

In chapter 5, the writer of this letter, to the Jewish believers in particular (who would have been more familiar with the Humash, the...

Hebrews 3:12 – 4:1 — Abide in The Faith to Enter God’s Rest

I am saying “the” faith, and not just “faith”, is necessary for us to enter God’s rest.  There are many faiths and religions in...

Hebrews 3:1-12 — Yeshua Is Greater Than Moses

Heb 13:22 Yeshua came in a body of flesh and blood in order to be our Redeemer and Savior, and also our great High Priest....

Hebrews — Introduction

Heb 10:15-23; 8:6; 13:13-14  The Letter to the Hebrews for me is one of the most exciting in the whole Bible.  Why?  Because it shows...

Thank God for Yeshua! — Yom Kippur

Give thanks to God for Jesus/Yeshua/Yasua, for He saves us from wrath to come! (Acts 2:38-40; 1Thes 1:9-10)  We learn from the moedim, the...

James 4:5-17 — Near to The Lord

Last time we spoke about the conflict between our lusts and between the wisdom from Above. The wisdom of the world is foolishness to...

James 2:14-26 – The Demonstration of Faith by Works of Faith

Ja 2:14-26 This last half of ch 2 is one which many want to put Paul’s teachings and James’ doctrines of faith and works against...